Friday, August 20, 2010


I have figured it out. The reason as to why the New York Mets, Knicks, and Islanders all stink. Think about it. What do they have in common? Other than that they all stink. Think...think... Yes! It was so obvious wasn't it. Their colors! Orange, blue, and white. All three of them.

The Mets haven't won a World Series title since 1985. They've been back once since in 2000.
The Knicks haven't won since 1970. They haven't made it deep into the playoffs in ten years.
The Islanders were good from '77-'84 but other than that, no.

Here's my suggestion. The Knicks have always been orange and blue and those colors are theirs since they've been around longer. Keep that. Its a good look. The Mets should really change their style. Its lame. Its outdated. Its over. Go crazy, start fresh. That team really needs to get something going to get their fans riled up again. As for the Islanders, they should just fold altogether. Instead of wearing blue and orange jerseys start wearing black suits.

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